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What is Meshroom?

Using Photogrammetry will save on time when it comes to time creating a realistic 3D character Model. In order to transfer the data that is created in MESHROOM on to a default model in Zbrush, another program that plugs into Zbrush call R3DS WRAP. This program read the digital data points that are placed onto the exported Photogrammetry file and uses those point to shape the default Zbrush character head. Saving on time when it comes to Sculpting the basic shape of a character. 

My goal is to achieve a similar looking result as below but using the tools above in combination of both Zbrush, substance painter and Mayas Renderman.   

The link below is "The Knowledge Behind Making Realistic Portraits" Created by Abdelrahman kubisi. He goes over the fundamentals to sculpting faces, Camera Lens within Maya and how to apply the proper material in Maya to create realistic skin textures.

The link below provide a in-depth explanation to Substance Painter and the layer system that is similar to Photoshop.

To save on animation time, Mixamo was used to create quick character model animation using prerender match moving presets. This individual FBX file was then brought into Maya, and each animation set was saved into the Trax animation bar. This process allowed for each animation sets to be then layered on top of each other and blended. 

Once the character base model was completed and the character models lower topology is established. The next step is to ensure that the UV is unwrapped as clean and with a little to no stretching. This will be crucial for the baking process of Normal and Texture Map.

This process was used to import the low and high topology of the Hero model into substance painter for Baking and Texture layout. 

While this was the workflow used to connect all the UV Normals and Textures into Maya Renderman


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